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Kindly note :

Date of notification :  21 DEC 2013

Last date of form submission : 20 JANUARY 2014

Date of NDA exam is 20th APRIL 2014


New Batch for NDA CDS Banking & Staff Selection Commission starts from 12th January 2013

Weekends batches though before exmas soem revision lectures may be arranged on weekdays.

call now 022 24325552 9029981673 99300752979930075267/9930075297

Recruitment of candidates to Army, Navy and Air force wings of the National Defence Academy (NDA), is through National Defence Academy Entrance Exam which is held twice a year, generally in the month of March and August. NDA exam is conducted by the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC). A candidate must be an unmarried male. The course of training is for three years

 Admission to the above courses will be made on the results of the written examination to be conducted by the Commission followed by intelligence and personality test by the Services Selection Board of candidates who qualify in the written examination.


 Age Limits, Sex and Marital Status :

A candidate must be an unmarried male and have attained the age of 16 1/2 years and must not have attained the age 19 years on the 1st January or 1st of July of the year succeeding the year of examination.

Candidates must not marry until they complete their full training. A candidate who marries subsequent to the date of his application, though successful will not be selected for training.

A candidate who marries during training shall be discharged and will be liable to refund all expenditure incurred on him by the Government.

(c) Educational Qualifications :

1. For Army wing of National Defence Academy :- 12th Class pass of the 10+2 pattern of School Education or equivalent examination conducted by a State Education Board or a University.

   2. For Air Force and Naval Wings of National Defence Academy and for the 10+2 (Executive Branch) Course at the Naval Academy :- 12th Class pass of the 10+2 pattern of School Education or equilvalent with Physics and Mathematics conducted by a State Education Board or a University.

Candidates who are appearing in the 12th Class under the 10+2 pattern of School Education or equivalent examination can also apply.

(d) Physical Standards : Candidates must be physically fit according to physical standards for admission to National Defence Academy and Naval Academy Examination as per guidelines given :

Candidates are advised to rectify minor defects/ailments in order to speed up finalisation of medical examination conducted at the Military Hospital after being recommended at the SSB.  The undermentioned ailments are considered, common minor ailments :  

Wax (Ears), Deviated Nasal Septum, Hydrocele/Phimosis, Overweight/Underweight, Under sized Chest, Piles,  Gynaecomastia, Tonsillitis, Varicocele

A candidate recommended by the Services Selection Board will undergo a medical examination by a Board of  Service Medical Officers. Only those candidates will be admitted to the academy who are declared fit by the Medical Board. The proceedings of the Medical Board are confidential and will not be divulged to anyone. However the candidates declared unfit will be intimated by the President of the Medical Board and the procedure for request for an Appeal Medical Board will also be intimated to the candidate.

Candidates declared unfit during Appeal Medical Board will be intimated about the provision of Review Medical Board.

(a)  The candidate must be in good physical and mental health and free from any disease/disability which is likely in interfere  with the efficient performance of military duties.

(b)  There should be no evidence of weak constitution, bodily defects or under weight. The candidate should not be overweight or obese.

(c)   The minimum acceptable height is 157.5 cms. (162.5 cms for Air Force) F

Please  refer to brochure for further details on height and weight standards

Exam Dates and Schedule

Tentative Schedule (Examination held twice a year)

(i) Notification of Examination     Sept. - Oct. & May - June

(ii) Conduct of Examination         March - April & Aug. - Sept.  

UPSC NDA General Ability Test Syllabus

Part A – English

The question paper in English will be designed to test the candidate’s understanding of English and workman like use of words. The syllabus covers various aspects like : Grammar and usage, vocabulary, comprehension and cohesion in extended text to test the candidate’s proficiency in English.

Part B – General Knowledge

The question paper on General Knowledge will broadly cover the subjects: Physics, Chemistry, General Science, Social Studies, Geography and Current Events.

The syllabus given below is designed to indicate the scope of these subjects included in this paper. The topics mentioned are not to be regarded as exhaustive and questions on topics of similar nature not specifically mentioned in the syllabus may also be asked. Candidate’s answers are expected to show their knowledge and intelligent understanding of the subject.

Section A: Physics

Physical Properties and States of Matter, Mass, Weight, Volume, Density and Specific Gravity, Principle of Archimedes, Pressure Barometer.

Motion of objects, Velocity and Acceleration, Newton’s Laws of Motion, Force and Momentum, Parallelogram of Forces, Stability and Equilibrium of bodies, Gravitation, elementary ideas of work, Power and Energy.

Effects of Heat, Measurement of temperature and heat, change of State and Latent Heat, Modes of transference of Heat. Sound waves and their properties, Simple musical instruments.

Rectilinear propagation of Light, Reflection and refraction. Spherical mirrors and Lenses. Human Eye.

Natural and Artificial Magnets, Properties of a Magnet, Earth as a Magnet.

Static and Current Electricity, conductors and Non-conductors, Ohm’s Law, Simple Electrical Circuits, Heating, Lighting and Magnetic effects of Current, Measurement of Electrical Power, Primary and Secondary Cells, Use of X-Rays.

General Principles in the working of the following :

Simple Pendulum, Simple Pulleys, Siphon, Levers, Balloon, Pumps, Hydrometer, Pressure Cooker, Thermos Flask, Gramophone, Telegraphs, Telephone, Periscope, Telescope, Microscope, Mariner’s Compass; Lightening Conductors, Safety Fuses.

Section B: Chemistry

Physical and Chemical changes. Elements, Mixtures and Compounds, Symbols, Formulae and simple Chemical Equations, Law of Chemical Combination ( excluding problems ). Properties of Air and Water.

Preparation and Properties of Hydrogen, Oxygen, Nitrogen and Carbondioxide, Oxidation and Reduction.

Acids, bases and salts.

Carbon – different forms.

Fertilizers – Natural and Artificial

Material used in the preparation of substances like soap, Glass, Ink, Paper, Cement, Paints, Safety Matches, and Gun-Powder.

Elementary ideas about the Structure of Atom, Atomic, Equivalent and Molecular Weights, Valency.

Section C: General Science

Difference between the living and non- living.

Basis of Life – Cells, Protoplasms and Tissues.

Growth and Reproduction in Plants and Animals.

Elementary knowledge of human Body and its important organs.

Common Epidemics, their causes and prevention.

Food – Source of Energy for man. Constituents of food, Balanced Diet.

The Solar System – Meteors and Comets, Eclipses.

Achievements of Eminent Scientists.

Section D: History, Freedom Movement etc.

A broad survey of Indian History, with emphasis on Culture and Civilisation.

Freedom Movement in India.

Elementary study of Indian Constitution and Administration.

Elementary knowledge of Five Year Plans of India.

Panchayati Raj, Co-operatives and Community Development.

Bhoodan, Sarvodaya, National Integration and Welfare State, Basic Teachings of Mahatma Gandhi.

Forces shaping the modern world; Renaissance, Exploration and Discovery; War of American Independence. French Revolution, Industrial Revolution and Russian Revolution. Impact of Science and Technology on Society. Concept of one World, United Nations, Panchsheel, Democracy. Socialism and Communism. Role of India in the present world.

Section E: Geography

The Earth, its shape and size. Lattitudes and Longitudes, Concept of time. International Date Line. Movements of Earth and their effects.

Origin of Earth. Rocks and their classification; Weathering – Mechanical and Chemical, Earthquakes and volcanoes.

Ocean Currents and Tides

Atmosphere and its composition; Temperature and Atmospheric Pressure, Planetary Winds, cyclones and Anti-cyclones; Humidity; Condensation and Precipitation; Types of Climate. Major Natural regions of the World.

Regional Geography of India – Climate, Natural vegetation. Mineral and Power resources; location and distribution of agricultural and industrial activities.

Important Sea ports and main sea, land and air routes of India. Main items of Imports and Exports of India. 

Section F: Current Events

Knowledge of Important events that have happened in India in the recent years.

Current important world events.

Prominent personalities – both Indian and International including those connected with cultural activities and sports.


Out of maximum marks assigned to part ‘B’ of this paper, questions on Sections ‘A’, ‘B’, ‘C’, ‘D’, ‘E’ and ‘F’ will carry approximately 25%, 15%, 10%, 20%, 20% and 10% weightages respectively.

Intelligence and Personality Test:

In addition to the interview, the candidates will be put to Intelligence Tests both verbal and non-verbal, designed to assess their basic intelligence. They will also be put to Group Tests such as group discussions, group planning, outdoor group tasks, and asked to give brief lectures on specified subjects.

All these tests are intended to judge the mental calibre of a candidate. In broad terms, this is really an assessment of not only his intellectual qualities but also his social traits and interests in current affairs.

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