plan should I follow to get a top 10 rank in the UPSC civil
service exam?
plan should I follow to get a top 10 rank in the UPSC civil
service exam?
No no I just saying
only…… this type of attitude is necessary for clearing this exam…… but all are
same and put same efforts those who are in the final list.
Never give up attitude.
First I mention richest sources to clear this exam.
1. NCERT - this one for clear cut basics
2. Newspaper - finest source for current affairs and analysis and to form opinion which is useful for
mains and interview.
3. Standard text books.
4. Answer writing practice - how much information we know is not at all required in mains, how
much information we present in easiest and understandable manner.
5. Proper Evaluation and feedback of answers written- Since CSE is a personality test, and questions are of the type that test intre-conceptual linkages, with focus on seeking
opinions and comments, one must be clear of his/her personality and this absolutely is personalized.
6. Revision Revision and Revision
7. Test series and rectify our mistakes as mentioned in Point 5.
Detailed plan:
1.Allocate first three months for ncerts and develop reading and understanding of
newspaper like habitual action. Study till you get perfection.
newspaper like habitual action. Study till you get perfection.
2.Allocate next five months for reading standard textbooks. Don't segregate prelims and mains.
First see the syllabus and prepare in combined pattern. Only world history, ethics is major difference(these two only in mains). Try to complete ethics also during these five months of time.
3. You must complete NCERTs and Standard text books at any cost with answer writing and personalized evaluation. Talk to the evaluator, seek advice.
A mentor is one who evaluates, rectifies you over a long period of time. Its not a matter of one -2 months. Like those aspiring for 2019, will have to evaluated / mentored for long 23 months, ie till April 2010, when results are out.
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Read and Understand, its not a class, its personalised target based study, and personal mentoring. |
4.Reading newspaper daily without fail. Allot qualitvly focussed two hours daily for this. Here itself try to understand and remember most of articles and issues (bcz continuously repeat important issues).
5.Follow Insights / IAS BABA/ Unacademy/ Byju or ANY ONE such website daily even though you read above mentioned sources. It provides so much important content like toppers strategy, motivation, daily CA, daily quiz, and enrich your answers in weekly tests (for mains).
6.Practice answer writing daily, I don't say from the start of your preparation. At least you start after three months. For this one follow Insights Secure. But they wont evaluate your answers or give you one-one feedback.
Else join Sankalp IAS Forum’s personal mentoring program to get real-view picture of self-performance.
Allot 2 hours at night time.
7.Allot three months for optional. I think for 2019 you may start optional subject in October-January. Till December you must complete above GS targets. Then you have freely read
optional without taking much stress in January.
8.Revision Revision Revision. Every week or atleast once in 15 days you revise what you study earlier. Otherwise you may forget over a period of time.
Now, the flow is like this-
Based on revision-write answers-get personally evaluated- know what has gone wrong-rectify revision sources- rewrite- get marks enriched.
9. Attempt or Practice test series for prelims either you join offline or take Xerox copies and practice on your own. For mains part daily practice secure and after prelims you join test series.
10. If you follow above mentioned, definitely you will be in the top. Prepare daily,weekly, and monthly schedule by considering your strengths and weaknesses – get mentored- enrich performance- score well- go the top.
Also learn from mentors the code for hacking IAS Success mantra- wellness-Peace-Service-Jai Hind.
What UPSC Needs?
- UPSC exams is the total story of how well you present yourself-your personality test-through answer writing and Interviews. So the crux is knowing your personality and writing answers . This should be evaluated by officers who have approached that path. Personalised feedback and inputs should be given and in such a way, incremental progress over a period of time must take place.
What students do?
-Joining a class OR self study- more focus on reading - some may be doing answer writing and may or not may not be getting them evaluated from some senior. Where do you get a personalized touch to this type of studies.
What classes do?
They will give you live videos, contents, notes and tests. Who evaluates the paper, how do they do scaling, is there any personal touch? NO, and given the commercial narrative that they follow, even the best of best faculty, class cant give that personal guidance.
What Sankalp does is doing, is something for first time in India.
Personal mentoring/ group mentoring
Targets for study every week or fortnight
Test based on targets with personal feedbacks.
Throughout mentoring and hand holding.
Total guidance about syllabus, sources, approach, analysis and personalized areas for scoring.
How Sankalp IAS Forums Personal mentoring will help you?
-✅ will save time by working with much more professional approach.
-✅ will give more effective and efficient orientation to your studies
-✅ will help you keep motivated and inspired.
-✅ you are definitely going to find qualitative and quantitative improvements in your studies-we assure you 55% more improvements than that you would have done on own or by coaching class.
-✅ will hugely improve your self-esteem and confidence to successfully appear for exams.
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Telegram channel @upscaim