Prelims 125 days plan
Target 140+ Marks in GS-1
We have been deeply hurt by growing commercialization of UPSC CSE exams coaching, not only because of substandard but also for not giving right orientation to candidates. Aspirants on there part should not follow anyone blindly,but should gauge/ get it gauged by mentors. Knowing ones strengths and weaknesses is first step towards success.
Prelims is not at a matter of how knowledgeable a candidate is, but depends on how he strategizes /her studies and performs with strategy in Prelims.
Understanding this concepts we have devised following 3 programmes for candidates. The programme has given us success in first attempts for many students in past.
I would advise you all to read this blog,before proceeding
2017 prelims was a shocker for those who had relied on Current affairs and was sweet music for those who were conceptually well prepared.
In 2016 Prelims paper we saw that current events is given good weight age. UPSC is
trying to make Prelims more broad based. But questions are not difficult per
se. It’s just that it wants you to know both facts and concepts very well –
both related to current events and static part of Prelims cum Mains
Most Important Secret Behind
Success :
Your Consistency!
We and others will give you
many strategies and roadmaps. Ultimately it rests on you. If you consistently follow a strategy, it will work for you. It
worked for many people. We believe that YOU can get a rank. You should and you must. You are going to work
hard and you will be proud of your achievement. Have no doubt about this.
Just make sure that you
are consistent.
What to do now?
Feb, March 2018- Revision and Test series Phase
1. Revise everything that u
have studied between Aug and Dec 2017. Give Test series for Both GS and
Optional. Aim is always to score 40% and above in the Tests.
2. Consolidate
the current affairs you have studied and study whatever portions u have left in
your GS mains syllabus during the last phase.
With this program, Students will find
Prelims concepts much stronger and easier to crack prelims.
and if you have already read some basic books, given attempts, what is needed for sure shot success is this:

There was no time in History when ignorance of Current Affairs could be so dangerous

In order to give students a very dedicated environment in company of mentors and like minded students, we have the following residential programm.