What are probable UPSC civil services interview questions ?
are asked from broadly four categories
1. Questions about you: The interviewers will
ask questions directly about you from your resume/CV for example details about
your name, your hobbies, your qualifications, your hometown etc.
2. Current affairs: Anything and everything
in the past 5 years may be asked, but focus will be given on the current year.
For example, the upcoming Lok Sabha elections will likely be askeds
3. Static information: Information about
politics, economics, general knowledge, knowledge of your specific field.
4. Situational questions: You will definitely be
asked why you are interested in the Civil Services. Other likely questions
include why you believe you are suitable for the Civil Services and how you
will deal with specific situations in the line of work if selected.
Questions may range from Conventional type to those where
her/his moral/ethical dilemma would be tested.
* You could pick up the old lady, because she is going to die, and thus you should save her first;
* or you could take the old friend because he once saved your life, and this would be the perfect chance to ! pay him back.
* However, you may never be able to find your perfect mate again.
The candidate who was hired (out of 200 applicants) had no trouble coming up with his answer. Guess what was his answer?
* He simply answered: *
"I would give the car keys to my Old friend and let him take the lady to the hospital. I would stay behind and wait for the bus with the partner of my dreams."
Sometimes, we gain more if we are able to give up our stubborn thought limitations. Never forget to "Think Outside of the Box."
Now questions which were asked to me as an engineer:
Why did you
choose Civil Services as a career?
Why you should be selected?
Why is there a sudden drop in your marks in 12th and
B.Tech? And why is there a drop in years?
Why should a engineer be
selected in Civil Services/
Why not private sector
or PSU’s?
Differentiate between
administration and management.
is CCTV. Do you think that they are pervasive and infringing our privacy?
your opinion why does Indian universities do not figure in the top in global
rankings of universities?
selecting a engineer in Civil Services, Dont you think we would be loosing a
better engineer/
you think you you have blocked a seat in Engineering and are planning to join
Civils hence deprevied a person of his/her right?
Special Sessions of Sankalp IAS Forum,Mumbai/Pune
UPSC CSE Personality Test /Interview training programme.
Sankalp IAS Forum does it once again, in April 2015
Candidates clearing Mains in first attempts,
candidates clearing mains while working ,
candidates clearing mains with Marathi –Hindi mediums,
Candidates clearing mains against all physical and financial odds……
all once again in Results of UPSC CSE Mains 2014,
Congratulations to many who have cleared.
UPSC CSE Persoanlity Test improvement programme will be in Pune & Mumbai.
It includes
Please send DAF on shreesankalpfoundation@gmail.com ,
Please add on whatsapp 9987653457,
for queries please call 9930075267,
For our past results and testimonials please see www.sankalpiasforum.com
Please also see our face book page by same email id.
After Last two years astoundingly successful batch of personality test that gave us AjayKumar as IAS in his second attempt that too while working in CARE,Mumbai, and as much as 10 out of 15 candidates getting ranks from Sankalp, and all 15 getting more than 60% marks inPersonality Tests, we now announce the launch of this years batch.
Mumbai ,Pune & Its metropolitan region along with the vast underdeveloped hinterland- Marathwada, Vidharbha,has always been the focal point of questions in administration. The inter religious fabrics,diaspora and dilemmas of development, paradoxes & controversies,SEZ's & tribal issues along with biodiversity and its allied problems are to be studied in Sankalp.
As like last year the sessions will see an array of Visits-discussion-cum- interactive sessions by renowned speakers in this field (mostly from activists & Bureaucracy). This sessions will be mostly held on weekends or in late evenings on weekdays.Last year saw sessions by Nitin Kareer,IAS, Shreedhanr Vagal,IPS, CSA Activist, political leaders, NGO activists and industrialists. A visit to learn from ground level activites was also praised by candidates.Being in small groups and from as diverse educational institutions as IIT,IIM,Arts,Sciences commerce colleges & TISS and from various states has given a very holistic view-point of looking at things. This is far more important than when a huge group learns from same culture candidates. Sankalp has nurtured this diversity and inter-faith,inter-cultural ,Inter-gender understanding of issues and hence understanding of issues by candidates.
During this Mock Interview Programme number of Special sessions are organized for the benefit of aspirants called for interview by the UPSC. Among them a few are:
1. Session on Hobbies & Intrests:
In the application aspirants mention about their hobbies. Many questions are asked by Board Members on these particular issues Sankalp's hobby sessions are conducted by expert faculty who discusses with the aspirants on the hobbies they have mentioned in their application forms from different angles so that the aspirants are equipped to face any question and give convincing reply on this aspect.
2. National & International Issues:
Contemporary issues related to Social, Economic & Environmental Matters are discussed in a lecture & question answer session,
3. Understanding The System:
Visiting the Institutions in and around Mumbai ,reaching & Listening the grass root,and Sessions with senior IAS & IPS officers,and many officers from allied services..
For a better understanding of indias social fabrics, a visit to tribal area and a place of national importance has been organized.
5. Current Affairs:
Since Current Affairs are an important matter for the interview, to sharpen the information and knowledge among the aspirants, Sankalp during the interviewguidance programme organizes seminar/lecture programmes on Current Affairs. Eminent persons/social activists in their lectures on Current Affairs topics analyses the issues objectively and also keep the aspirants informed being discussed from different angles.
6. Mock panel interview.
Candidates clearing Mains in first attempts,
candidates clearing mains while working ,
candidates clearing mains with Marathi –Hindi mediums,
Candidates clearing mains against all physical and financial odds……
all once again in Results of UPSC CSE Mains 2014,
Congratulations to many who have cleared.
UPSC CSE Persoanlity Test improvement programme will be in Pune & Mumbai.
It includes
Please send DAF on shreesankalpfoundation@gmail.com ,
Please add on whatsapp 9987653457,
for queries please call 9930075267,
For our past results and testimonials please see www.sankalpiasforum.com
Please also see our face book page by same email id.
After Last two years astoundingly successful batch of personality test that gave us AjayKumar as IAS in his second attempt that too while working in CARE,Mumbai, and as much as 10 out of 15 candidates getting ranks from Sankalp, and all 15 getting more than 60% marks inPersonality Tests, we now announce the launch of this years batch.
Mumbai ,Pune & Its metropolitan region along with the vast underdeveloped hinterland- Marathwada, Vidharbha,has always been the focal point of questions in administration. The inter religious fabrics,diaspora and dilemmas of development, paradoxes & controversies,SEZ's & tribal issues along with biodiversity and its allied problems are to be studied in Sankalp.
As like last year the sessions will see an array of Visits-discussion-cum- interactive sessions by renowned speakers in this field (mostly from activists & Bureaucracy). This sessions will be mostly held on weekends or in late evenings on weekdays.Last year saw sessions by Nitin Kareer,IAS, Shreedhanr Vagal,IPS, CSA Activist, political leaders, NGO activists and industrialists. A visit to learn from ground level activites was also praised by candidates.Being in small groups and from as diverse educational institutions as IIT,IIM,Arts,Sciences commerce colleges & TISS and from various states has given a very holistic view-point of looking at things. This is far more important than when a huge group learns from same culture candidates. Sankalp has nurtured this diversity and inter-faith,inter-cultural ,Inter-gender understanding of issues and hence understanding of issues by candidates.
In the application aspirants mention about their hobbies. Many questions are asked by Board Members on these particular issues Sankalp's hobby sessions are conducted by expert faculty who discusses with the aspirants on the hobbies they have mentioned in their application forms from different angles so that the aspirants are equipped to face any question and give convincing reply on this aspect.
Contemporary issues related to Social, Economic & Environmental Matters are discussed in a lecture & question answer session,
For a better understanding of indias social fabrics, a visit to tribal area and a place of national importance has been organized.
Since Current Affairs are an important matter for the interview, to sharpen the information and knowledge among the aspirants, Sankalp during the interviewguidance programme organizes seminar/lecture programmes on Current Affairs. Eminent persons/social activists in their lectures on Current Affairs topics analyses the issues objectively and also keep the aspirants informed being discussed from different angles.
Tks very much for your post.
ReplyDeleteAvoid surprises — interviews need preparation. Some questions come up time and time again — usually about you, your experience and the job itself. We've gathered together the most common questions so you can get your preparation off to a flying start.
You also find all interview questions at link at the end of this post.
Source: Download Ebook: Ultimate Guide To Job Interview Questions Answers:
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