Saturday,12th Nov,2011
6.45-9.00pm= PUBLIC Adminitrsation Optional ( UPSC Mains 2012)
Sunday,13th Nov.2011
SANKALP UPSC Prelims -2012
10.30am- 12.30noon = GS (Polity)
1.15 pm-3.30pm =GS(Economics)
संकल्प महाराष्ट्र लोकसेवा आयोग राज्यसेवा पूर्व परीक्षा
सकाळी १०.०० ते दु.१२.३० =कला शाखा घटक
दु.१.१५- ३.३० = कृषी शाखा घटक
दु.३.३0- ५.३० = कृषी शाखा घटक
Sankalp Prelims -2012 (MPSC English medium Batch)
10.00am- 10.30noon = Orientation & Introductory Lect.
10.30am- 12.30noon = GS (Polity)
1.15 pm-3.30pm =GS(Economics)
3.45pm- 5.30pm= Group Task
Sankalp Staff Selection Commission Exams(SSC)
10.00am- 10.30noon = Orientation & Introductory Lect.
10.30am- 12.30noon = GS (Polity)
1.15 pm-3.30pm =GS(Economics)
3.45pm- 5.30pm= Group Task
Only Enrolled Students will be allowed to attend Lectures.
All students should bring Daily & Weekly Plans as given to them to fill .
Enroll ur names to have one-to-one personal counselling n discussion
Do always carry School Atlas so that u revise a